Reading and Understanding Music


Rhythm Exercises 1 to 30


Firstly you will need to ensure that you are thoroughly familiar with the names and time values of each of the notes and rests.

When we read rhythm patterns we give the notes different sounds (called time names). The French time names are the easiest, but if you are familiar with the Kodaly system you may wish to use those names.

French Time Names

The crotchet is the basic beat for most pieces of music and it is give the sound name "Ta". Learn the following time names for the most common note values from the charts below.


Symbol & Time Name Number of Beats English Note Name American Note Name
 one count crotchet quarter note
 one & a half counts dotted crotchet dotted quarter note
 two counts minim half note
 three counts dotted minim dotted half note
 four counts semibreve whole note


Symbol & Time Name Number of Beats English Note Name American Note Name
 one crotchet quarter note
 half each quaver(s) eighth note(s)
 quarter each semiquaver(s) sixteenth note(s)
 a third each triplet quavers triplet eighth notes
 ¾ + ¼ Dotted quaver + a semiquaver Dotted eighth note + a sixteenth note
 ½ + ¼ +¼
 ¼ + ¼ + ½


Symbol & Time Name Number of Beats English Note Name American Note Name
 one crotchet rest quarter note rest
 half quaver rest eighth note rest
 quarter semiquaver rest sixteenth note rest
 two minim rest half note rest
 four semibreve rest whole note rest

The following Rhythmic Exercises will help you develop your rhythm reading.

STEP 1   Examine the example you are about to sing, and read aloud the time names in a suitable tempo.

STEP 2   Now clap the rhythm pattern as you say the time names.

STEP 3   Finally, click anywhere on the Rhythm Exercise graphic so that you can hear the correct rhythm pattern and check your accuracy. Note that the first bar of the recorded exercise will be a click track to set the tempo.

Copyright Notice

These linked exercises were developed by Hedley Harwood for the Buderim Male Choir. Licence is granted to other Choirs to use this information for private study purposes, provided the Buderim Male Choir and Hedley Harwood are acknowledged as the source of this material and as copyright owners. This information is not to be used for commercial purposes.