Reading and Understanding Music - Sight Singing Exerises 61 - 90
The following Sight Singing Exercises will help you develop your pitch reading
STEP 1: Examine the example you are about to sing, and read aloud the letter names in the correct rhythm.
STEP 2: Now click the word keynote to play the keynote for that exercise and, if necessary, sing up or down the scale to locate the pitch of the first note e.g. the keynote could be C but the first note might be E.
STEP 3: Next, sight sing the exercise. N.B. Only sing the letter names of the notes. If a note has a sharp or flat, only sing the letter name, do not sing the word "sharp" or "flat"after the letter name.
STEP 4: Finally, click the line of music to check your accuracy. Note that the first bar of the recorded exercise will be a click track to set the tempo, with the keynote played simultaneously to help you locate your starting note.
Copyright Notice
These linked exercises were developed by Hedley Harwood for the Buderim Male Choir. Licence is granted to other Choirs to use this information for private study purposes, provided the Buderim Male Choir and Hedley Harwood are acknowledged as the source of this material and as copyright owners. This information is not to be used for commercial purposes.