Part of the social fabric

From its 1974 origins as a small group of men rehearsing on the back veranda of a member’s home in Buderim, the Buderim Male Choir today is well-established as part of the cultural and social fabric of the Sunshine Coast. As a community choir, we welcome all men as members regardless of their singing experience or ability, we serve our community through choral performances and we form community partnerships.

Enjoyment the priority

We are a non-auditioned choir. The prerequisites are a love of music and a positive attitude. While there is a learning focus, a focus on singing four-part harmony well, enjoyment is the priority. The choir puts emphasis on engendering a friendly and supportive environment for men who enjoy singing with other men. It’s always seemed like a good idea and is well supported with wide recognition of the consequential physical and mental health benefits.

Maintaining an art form

The Buderim Male Choir is also the only choir on the Sunshine Coast focused on maintaining the art of choral singing in the traditional male voice style exemplified by the Welsh. The choir comprises the four male voice parts – tenors 1 and 2, baritone and bass - and generally sings with keyboard accompaniment. Repertoire takes in various styles of music - anything that the choir enjoys singing and audiences are likely to enjoy hearing.

Satisfying music tastes

The choir has continually updated its music library and now has access to a variety of material from an extensive collection. The aim is to satisfy a wide range of music tastes for both choir members and audiences. Popular concert themes from more recent years included music from the crooner era, songs of the sea and an Australian-themed concert. A mix of popular music along with favourites from Ireland, Scotland and Wales formed the basis of the most recent concert.

The Buderim Male Choir generally stages its own productions a few times each year and performs at various community and other events throughout each year. Performance is how the choir serves the community so rehearsals are as much about preparation for performance as they are about learning and enjoyment.

Our Patron

We are delighted to welcome Sunshine Coast Council Mayor Rosanna Natoli as our Patron. Rosanna is an enthusiastic advocate for the Sunshine Coast, an acknowledged supporter of the arts and a long-time friend of the Buderim Male Choir.


In administrative terms, the choir is a not-for-profit incorporated association administered by a committee of elected office-bearers. It is funded through a combination of member subscriptions, performance revenue and other fund-raising.

The choir is a member of the Australian National Choral Association (ANCA) and an affiliated member of the Buderim War Memorial Community Association (BWMCA). The choir has no formal connections with any other entities but, in recent times, formed a relationship with the Buderim Men’s Shed whose premises are used for the choir’s weekly rehearsals. The relationship is a reflection of the similarity of purpose with the Men’s Shed movement – the focus on fostering activities that enhance men’s health and wellbeing. Participation in the inaugural Shed Music festival at Coolum in 2024 further cemented the choir’s relationship with the Men’s Shed movement on the Sunshine Coast.